Heinz Neuner

Of Counsel*


Heinz Neuner completed his law studies in Vienna. Since his registration on 01.04.1987 he worked continuously as a lawyer in a total of two Vienna law firms until 30.06.2021. His preferred fields of law are insolvency law (in particular “private bankruptcy law”), landlord and tenant law, tort law and matrimonial and family law. During his active time as a lawyer, Heinz Neuner regularly represented clients before courts and authorities and was considered to be highly collegial and pragmatic.

He is distinguished by his many years of experience in (contentious) litigation law. He has paid particular attention to personal and loyal advice to his clients. He is regarded as an “all-rounder” whom we are always happy to consult on both technical and practical legal matters.


* Our of counsels / experts are not lawyers, but with their practice-relevant expertise they can contribute valuable input as consultants or in the context of expert opinions. The management of the mandate and the legal representation always remain with our lawyers. 


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